Yocto project - future of embedded Linux

Yocto Project – Future of Embedded Linux

Date: 4.-6.3. 2025
A few seats left
Place: Espoo (Technopolis)
Price: 2.400 EUR, 26.600 SEK, 17.900 DKK

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Magnus Kindberg – Sweden, Norway
+46 (0)40 59 22 22

Heidi Lehtomäki – Finland
phone: +358 40 196 0142

Klaus Ahrensbach – Denmark
Phone: +45 3116 1019

The Yocto Project was founded in 2010 as a collaboration among many hardware manufacturers, open-source operating systems vendors, and electronics companies to bring some order to the chaos of embedded Linux development.

Course Description

Yocto Project is the basis that currently most major players in the embedded Linux world are moving towards. It is an open-source collaboration project, to provide you with the tools, templates, and methods necessary to create custom embedded images and distributions. It includes the Poky reference distribution, which is used to test and show how the tools and methods works.

This three-day training will cover the ideas behind the Yocto Project, and it’s relations to other Open-Source projects. The training will give you a jump start to develop your own project using the eco-system provided by the OpenEmbedded / Yocto Project communities.

After briefly covering the basics needed to get started; the training quickly goes deeper into the build system, recipe development, supporting multiple architectures, the use of layers etc. How to support multiple profiles by using distributions. Best practices, the use of build statistics and QA-checks. How to create, distribute, and use both generic and image specific SDK’s to application developers.

Yocto lab

The course combines theory with lots of practical exercises, all for preparing the student to start using Yocto in their daily development in an efficient and successful manner.

You will keep the Beagle Bone, as well as USB-adapters, to be able to continue exploring embedded Linux after the training.

Course Objectives:


The theory parts includes:
• Build system philosophy – What makes a great build system?
• What you need to know about bitbake, OpenEmbedded, Yocto, Poky
• Open source licenses
• Recipes — types, creating, patching etc.
• Layers – Best practice, contents, availability
• Classes
• BSP’s
• Machine configuration
• Images vs distributions
• Packaging and upgrading
• SDK’s and workflows

The exercise part includes:
• Configuring the build system and using bitbake
• Adding packages to an image
• Patching existing recipes
• Patching the kernel
• Importing third-party software
• Building custom images
• Autostarting services
• OTA upgrade
• SDK generation and using the SDK

Sweden: Training material and lunch are included (lunch are not included for online trainings)
Finland: Training material and lunch are included (lunch is not included for online trainings)

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