C++ Level 1 – An Odyssey of C++: Core Language

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3 days
SEK 19.900

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Lena Bernhardsson – SE, DK, NO
+46 (0) 40 59 22 09

Heidi Lehtomäki – Finland
phone: +358 40 196 0142

Klaus Ahrensbach – Denmark
Phone: +45 3116 1019


A three days C++ training with the following objectives:


The major objective of this class is that you shall be able to use C++ in a “correct way”.

  • Introduce “Modern C++” – what we also know as C++11, C++14, C++17, C++20, and the just to be released C++23 – as an object-oriented language
  • Comprehend the concepts and basic terms in object orientation, and to use UML – Unified Modeling Language – to describe an OO-model
  • Design and implement robust C++ classes
  • Understand the importance of sound memory management
  • Transform an OO-model into C++
  • Understand the concept parametrized types – aka templates
  • A set of exercises practicing the concepts
  • Applying a unit testing as a natural way of testing/evaluating/running most of the exercises


This training is aimed for beginners.

Previous Knowledge:

Some programming experience

Practical Exercises:

During the training you will practice the presented concepts in a few exercises. We will use the open and free integrated development environment from Eclipse. Alternatively, a build system based on CMake is available


1. The Basics

  • Programs
  • Hello, World!
  • Functions
  • Types, Variables, and Arithmetic
    • Fundamental Types
  • Initialization
  • Scope
  • Constants
  • Arrays, Pointers, and References
  • Basic Input/Output
  • Unit Testing

2. User-Defined Types – An Introduction

  •  Enumerations
  •  Structures
  •  Classes
  •  Unions

3. Modularity

  • Separate Compilation
    • C++20 Modules
  • Namespaces
  • Error Handling
    • Exceptions
    • assert

4. Object-Orientation

  •  The Goals with Object-oriented Programming
  •  OO Programming Concepts
  •  C++ Language Mapping

5. Classes

  •  Concrete Types
  •  Abstract Types
  •  Virtual Functions
  •  Class Hierarchies
  •  Copy Control
  • Move Control

6. Templates

  •  Function Templates
  •  Class Templates
  •  Inheritance vs. Templates

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