CAN & Bluetooth

Vi erbjuder analysatorer, test, adaptrar med mera, för alla sorters protokoll som CAN, Bluetooth och wifi kommunikation.


PEAK CAN verktyg

Omvandlare mellan USB och CAN samt andra smarta CAN-verktyg.

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Kommunikationslösningar för Embedded kontroll, energi och fordonstest

CAN Industrial Ethernet, Smart Grid Energy, FlexRay CAN

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Embedded Development & Debugging

Secure Development for Embedded Systems

Next course: 5-7/08/2024
Place: Online
Language: English

Embedded Development & Debugging

Learn Zephyr® – the new Era of Real Time OS

Date: 26-30/08/2024
Place: Online
Language: English

Functional Safety

Develop Safety Critical Applications – based on IEC 61508

Date: 03-04/09/2024
Place: Online
Language: English


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